Friday, December 25, 2009


Christmas Eve we went to celebrate with my family.
Maddison passed out all of the presents to everyone
and she had a ton of fun opening hers.
She also loved that everyone sat and watched
her open all of her presents. lol

Starting to open presents in my childhood rocking chair


a flying pig that oinks...its hilarious


a lot of clothes

new movies!
She got an Elmo one that she LOVES!
ROCKING HORSE that makes
galloping and horse sounds!
At first she thought it was just a big stuffed horse
and she was petting it and giving it hugs...
then we showed her she could ride it and she
was VERY excited! LOL

Matt rolled it in the room and Maddison screamed
It was so funny.

Riding her new bike outside as soon as she got it.

Doesn't Maddison look excited to take a family picture.

Riding her bike on Christmas day.
I have a feeling I am going to be spending a lot
of time outside from now on.
(wearing her Chargers sweat suit which I'd like
to think helped them win tonight)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

tramatic Santa experience

Friday Matt and I tried to take Maddison to go see Santa.
All day I was prepping her for it because I had a hunch
that she would be afraid of him.
I asked her if she wanted to see him...'yes'
I asked her if she was going to sit on his lap...'yes'
I asked her if she was going to ask him for presents...'yes'
I got her dressed all cute and I was saying
we have to get dressed pretty for Santa and she agreed
the whole time and was REALLY excited.
We got to the Mall and I was still asking her the three
questions and she was answering yes and still very excited.
We were walking up and she could see Santa and was
still really excited and at this point I was convinced she
might actually do it. We got in line and when
we were almost up Matt said ok time to get out of
the stroller and go see Santa.
She absolutely refused and started crying! lol
So we got out of line and started walking to the car.
As soon as we walked out the door of the Mall she
started crying and saying she wanted to see Santa!
So we did the exact same thing all over again
and had the same outcome, as soon as it was time
to get out of the stroller she freaked.
So we left without sitting on Santa's lap.

Sooooo...Saturday I decided to try and take her with
Sarah and Brooklyn thinking if Brooklyn was doing
it Maddison would go right along with it.

Well these pictures tell the tale.

Pretty girls ready to go see Santa

Starting to cry...

Really crying and trying to escape.

So sad but so funny at the same time.

visiting Great Grandma

Thursday we went out to the little Christmas festivities
at my Grandma's place.
Maddison has fun and all the old people
love seeing her.

Maddison and Grandma

Maddison and Great Grandma

our new pet

Matt got a ball python and Maddie really likes it.
She calls it a 'cake' for some reason even though
she has said snake before.
Every time it is doing something in it's tank
Maddison lets us know. lol
I was very surprised that she will actually hold it.
I had two snakes when I was a kid and loved them so
I am glad Maddie gets to have one too.

Baking with Grandma

Sunday night Maddison and I went over to my parents house
so Maddison could help my mom bake some stuff for work.
Baking is one of Maddison's FAVORITE things to do.
She is such a good helper.
I made the mistake of putting her in a black shirt
and this is what happened...
By the end she had three times the flour on her
as in this picture.

Monday, December 14, 2009

In one month...

We will have our new baby girl! I can't believe it is only a month away now. This pregnancy went so fast! We all can't wait to meet her.

Awesome presents!

These are the 3 big presents that I am super excited about.

My mom got us this awesome sit and stand double stroller.
AND she made me a new cover for the car seat
but she hasn't finished the canopy yet.
I will get a good picture of it when it's completely done.

Maddison was so excited for the new stroller,
but she wasn't too happy when I told her that her
sister will be going in the car seat not her baby doll. lol

The AWESOME JJ Cole diaper bag Sarah got me!
I love it! and I love how it hangs on the stroller.
I had a cheap one last time and it just didn't last.

Sarah also bought her a new swing and Whit bought her a
new bouncer/vibrating chair. I am completely ready to go!
I can't believe it. She will be here in a month!

Baby shower!

This past Saturday Sarah threw me a shower and
it turned out fantastic. We had a blast!

Maddison and I
She was such a good girl the whole day even though
she didn't get a nap at all.

Sarah's sister and my girls!
(apparently the camera lens was dirty...grrrrrr)
oh, and why am I so damn short?
I was even wearing 2 in flip flops. lol

Playing find the tiny pacifier in the balloon game.
It was hilarious.

Draw a baby w/o looking game.
NONE of them resembled a baby! lol

The YUMMY cake


Sarah finally made me take a belly picture.
I figured for the wonderful party I owed her one :)
don't I look happy lol

Sunday, December 13, 2009

the finished rooms

I finally got the girls rooms pretty much situated.
I decided to move the cherry furniture into the babies room
and the oak furniture into Maddison's room.

We decided against getting Maddison a big girl bed yet
because she actually enjoys the crib and I prefer her not
being able to roam around freely whenever she feels like it.

Maddison's super cool new armoire.
She finally has a shelf in her room for all her books
so they aren't all over the living room anymore!
(don't mind the gigantic messy pile of toys)
We had an extra t.v. so I decided to put it in Maddison's
room so she can watch all of her learning videos.
She absolutely LOVES having it in her room
and I love that I don't have to watch the videos
all the time anymore.

Baby's crib all set up.
I still need to 'reupholster' the bumper to match the room.

Even she has a pile of toys in her room. lol
I need to take a picture of the little lamp now.
I covered the shade in fake white rose pedals from
our wedding and painted the lamp navy blue.
It turned out really cute.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

zoo trip

Saturday we went to the zoo.
Maddie rode the carousel and we tried to get
her to pet the stingrays, but she wasn't having it.
I am so glad the weather is nice again so
we can really enjoy our trips to the zoo.

Waiting for the ride to begin.

She still waves every time it goes around. lol

Giving daddy kisses.
Too bad the bar is in the way.

Thanksgiving 2009

On Thursday for Thanksgiving my family all went out
to my aunt and uncles house in Gilbert.
They have a HUGE backyard so we brought
Maddison's car out there.
She went nuts, she drove it around
and around and absolutely loved it.
I wish we had that big of backyard so she could
do it everyday!
Align Center

Waving at everyone watching her from the porch.

She's thinking get outta my way mom.

Pit stop to give daddy kisses.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Potty training!

For the last week or two I have been really potty
training Maddison. She has gone potty randomly for a long
time now but I decided it was time to buckle down
and get her really going on the potty.

I bought pull ups mostly so it was easier on me,
so I didn't have to lay her down and secure the diaper
every time she went potty.
She thinks it's so fun to go on the potty and
she really likes the jelly bean reward!
If she goes #1 she tells me 'I get one candies!'
If she goes #2 she says 'I get two candies!'

She picked up the process pretty much on the first day.
By the second day she was telling me when she
had to go rather than me asking her constantly
like I did on day one.
On the second day we only used one pull up the whole day!
She is even telling me she has to go potty when
we are out running errands and going in public
bathrooms, which I thought would take longer
because I thought they would be intimidating.

I can't believe what a big girl she is becoming!
(sorry the picture isn't too good, it's from my phone)

lunch fun!

Saturday afternoon Sarah, Maddie, my mom, aunt and I
all went to Pete's fish and chips for lunch.
There is a grassy area next to all the tables
and Maddison sure took advantage of it.
These are pics of her running around a tree. lol
I love it when she wears herself out!

She also rode the car and had a blast driving it.
She was turning the wheel the whole time it was on.
I think she probably rode it 3 or 4 times,
she couldn't get enough.