Monday, February 22, 2010

my girls

The girls were just so cute today...
I went a little picture crazy.

sleepin away in her bouncy chair.
Maddison always buckles her in for me. lol

OMG too cute.
the shoes are still a little big because she has tiny feet.
The only thing tiny on this chunky monkey.
She has unusually small feet.

This is Maddies stool that she always stands on
to watch me change/dress Reagan.
She also uses it to turn the light on and off...
and on and off and on and off again and again. lol

I finally got a pic of me making her smile.

and another :)
Maddie loves it when Reagan sits in this chair.

This is the bear that Maddie made for
Reagan at Build-A-Bear

She made it sing and showed it to Reagan.

lifting her head up.
She rolled over 2 days ago!
She lifted her leg up while on her stomach
and it rolled her over!

Maddie being cute.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

great baby

In the last few days it seems Reagan is getting so big! She is now smiling as a reaction to people (instead of just when she farts lol) and she is sleeping up to about 5 1/2 hours! I can't wait until she 'sleeps through the night'. I think it's in the near future!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

cute pictures

This afternoon I took a few pictures of Matt and Reagan.
Then Lindsey edited them for me because
she is good at that sort of thing.
I think they turned out pretty cute!

She's such a chubby bunny!

She makes this face with a funny noise when you
give her a kiss and she doesn't want it. lol
It's the cutest little protest I've ever seen.

forgot to turn the stupid flash off...grrrr

It's crazy...

how much these two look alike.

This is Maddison

This is Reagan.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

zoo fun

After the doctor we took the girls to the zoo.
Reagan slept away.

Maddie rode the carousel,
one of her favorite things at the zoo.

double Dr. appointment

Today we took the girls to the doctor.
Reagan had her 1 month and
Maddison had her 2 year
( a little late I know)

My little chunky monkey weighs 10lbs 15oz now!
That is the 90th-95th percentile for weight. lol
She is almost 50th for height and
75th-90th for head circumference.

Maddie weighs 28lbs 6oz and is
50th-75th percentile for weight, height and
head circumference.

They were so cute sitting on the table together.
The Dr. asked Maddie if she wanted to go first or if she
wanted Reagan to. She said Reagan. lol
She wanted to scope out the situation
before she had to do it.

Ice Skating!

Matt has started playing hockey again and when
he told Maddison he was leaving to go play hockey
said she wanted to go play hockey too.
So yesterday we decided to take her ice skating!

The tiny little ice skates were SO CUTE!
Everyone kept saying 'oh my gosh, look how
little those ice skates are!' LOL

Reagan in her parka. lol
Sarah met us there and took Reagan with her
so we could both ice skate with Maddison.
The cute Snow White helmet that we got her.
All ready to go ice skate!

Of course Maddison couldn't actually ice skate,
but she can stand on them! LOL
One time she actually took 5 steps to Matt without falling.
She definitely had a blast.
Every time we would stop to give our backs a break
from bending over holding her up she would
say she wants to keep going.
She also thought it was really fun when Matt
picked her up and skated fast.
It was so cute and we're going to keep taking her
and hopefully she will get better.


I finally got a picture of her grinning!
She does this a lot.
I swear I have 'made' her smile once,
but Matt thinks I am crazy.
She will stick out her tongue when we do,
so why wouldn't she smile when we make faces?

pretty girls

This is the first up close cute picture I've got of the girls.
They are so darn cute and I can't wait to see all
of the pictures like this that I am going to get
through out the years.
I hope they become best friends!

Trip to Tucson

Last weekend Sarah and I took the girls down to Tucson
to see my mom in the bead show she was in.
I was a little worried that one or both of the girls would
get upset while we were driving, but everything worked
out pretty well and we all had fun.
My mom had a blast showing her pretty grandbabies
to her friends and Sarah and I bought some pretty stuff!
All in all it was a good trip!

Sarah brought this neck pillow for Maddison, but...
she was a little confused as to how it worked. lol
I guess wearing it that way will still keep her head
from bobbing around when she falls asleep.
too funny.
(oh p.s. she is fake sleeping for this picture)

With no nap all day, she was so tired on the way home.
she passed out with her sunglasses on...
well kind of on.
She thinks it's funny to put them on upside down.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bath baby

Baby Reagan in her bathtub.
She LOVES the tub.
Maddison loves helping, she would bathe her all
day if I let her. so cute!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

attack baby

When Reagan is hungry she attacks anything near her face.
It is so funny. Sarah got this video of her attacking her binky
and Sarah's face. :)

BOB the goat

This is Bob.
He is a very friendly goat.

On Saturday we went out to a friends farm so they could
see Reagan and so Maddison could feed the goats.
Well there is only one friendly goat, and that is Bob.
He loved being pet and fed, and Maddison had a
blast doing it!

We told her his name was Bob and she said
"hey Bobby!" LOL

cute little hats and mittens

My aunt knit the girls cute hats and mittens.
They are so cute!
Reagan is passed out as usual. lol


Reagan snoozing in her cute little outfit and boots!

feeding the giraffe

We went to the zoo last week for Reagan's 1st trip!
It was sprinkling a little so it wasn't crowded at all,
it was so nice.
Maddison got to feed the giraffe again.
She fed it 'turtle food' as she calls lettuce. LOL


Sarah and I were in the kitchen talking and I realized I hadn't
heard Maddison for a minute or two.
So I start walking down the hallway and Maddie runs out
of the bathroom with a 'I'm not doing anything' look
on her face. At first I don't notice anything...
Then she turns around!
She had seen Matt putting this coconut oil scalp
moisturizer on his hair and well I guess she thought she
needed some too. And of course Matt had left it open
sitting on the counter so she had no problem getting it.

It was literally covering the entire back of her head.

Her demonstrating how she put it in.
She kept doing this because we were all laughing
so she thought she was being funny. LOL

We washed it twice with her kid shampoo,
once with my regular shampoo and this was the outcome...
(this is dry...not wet. GROSS)
It was still so greasy and disgusting!
The next day I had the brilliant idea to wash it with
dish soap. I washed it twice with that and it did the trick.

Great Grandma

Last weekend I took the girls out to my grandmas so she
could meet Reagan. She loved holding her.


My cute little baby girl sleeping in her glider chair