Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011

We asked Maddison what she wanted to be for Halloween and
OF COURSE it was Aurora. I don't think I could have changed
her mind if I wanted to. She is obsessed.

I didn't know what to dress Reagan as.
I happened on this CAT costume and thought it would
be cute because "meowwwww" is one of the first
words she said and she says it ALL THE TIME.
I took the girls to my moms and Sarahs work and in the
beginning I had to ask her "what does a kitty say?"
and then she would meow. By the end of the parade, as I
call it, she knew I was going to ask and just started
meowing at every desk we walked up to.
Everyone LOVED it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

marker fun

I was downloading all my pictures from my phone,
had to share this one.
Apparently I didn't get all the markers put away and
Maddi got ahold of one. lol
Not too sure if she was trying to put on make up
or trying to be a racoon?
Either way, Matt and I got a good laugh outta this one.

Anniversary trip!!

Matt and I left on Sept. 28th (our anniversary) to San Diego!
We haven't had a trip alone since our honeymoon.

Mission Beach. LOVE this place!

Beautiful sunset from the boardwalk on our first night

We went whale watching!
This was the boat we were on.
The Privateer.

The people said this is the resident sea lion that stays
at the dock. They named him Clyde.

Clyde was so friendly.
He swam around us while people took picture.
It was like he was posing.

They said these were common dolphins and there were HUNDREDS
of them!  They swam right next to the boat and played in the wake.
They are such playful animals. SO COOL.

Then we saw FIN WHALES!
You can see how close to the boat they were by
the guy standing in the corner of the picture.
They were also playing with the boat swimming from one side
to the other. They said the fin whales don't usually do this.

They said this one was probably about 80ft long and
140-160 THOUSAND pounds! They are the second biggest whale.

The fin that you see is about 2/3rds of the way down its back...
they are HUGE.

They called this as mega-pod of dolphins.
There were hundreds.
It was so hard to get a picture that shows how many
there actually were because they don't all
jump at the same time.
In this pic you can see a baby one.
There were so many babies and they would swim right
next to their mama. It was so cute.

We had a blast!
After 4 days though, we were ready to come home
and hug our babies!
They were excited to see us, but I asked
Maddi when we got to my moms if she wanted to
come home with us or stay with grammy...
she said stay with grammy. LOL!
Grammy spoils them.
Every few days now Maddi asks me when we
are going back to San Diego because we told her
we would take them next time and she REALLY
wants to go to the beach.
She tells me she is going to go all the way in the
water and she is going to pet a dolphin.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Maddison's 4th birthday party!

I found these pillowcases that the kids could color on!
They ended up being so cute.

trying on the tiara Sarah made her to go along with her
new princess Aroura costume

Maddison's bestie Alexis and her mama

Sitting on her new bike from my parents!
She was so excited.

Princess tiara cake I made

With the matching cupcakes.


giving grampy hugs bye bye.
She is THE BEST hugger

My mama and the girls

bubble time!

We went out to blow bubbles the other day and
Reagan is so hilarious when she blows bubbles
I had to share.

This is her "smile" lol

This is our dog Bella
I don't think I have posted a picture before.
We adopted her earlier this year and she is
so good with the girls

My pretty girl :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

photo shoot 8/6/2010

Sarahs friend is a photographer and wanted to add to
her portfolio so we had her take some pictures of the girls.
Maddison absolutely loved it and acted like a little model.
Reagan on the other hand was not too excited about it. lol

We got quite a few awesome pictures!