Monday, April 26, 2010

funny funny, where does this come from?

Sarah and I were talking and Maddison came up to us and said Hey Sarah, come with me. Sarah said no I'm talking to mom right now. Maddison stood there for maybe 10 seconds and then asked the same question again. I said Maddison, Sarah already answered that question and the answer was no. Maddison turns around and says to herself, "oh Sarah said no, its my fault." We started laughing so hard. I don't even know where she learned what fault means, I haven't ever really said that word. It is so funny the things she picks up without me even trying!

sleep sleep sleep

I am so excited that Reagan is now really sleeping
through the night! And by sleeping through the
night I mean 9 or 10 hours!
She has done it 3 nights in a row now.
She sleeps a lot less and eats more often
during the day, but that is TOTALLY
worth getting more sleep at night!
I think I finally getting used to sleeping again. lol

(is it just me or does she kind of look like Dakota Fanning
in this picture? I think it is the mouth...)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Swing swing!

I saw this swing at the store and my mom said
she wanted it for her house.
From the second Maddison saw it she was so excited.
At the store she said 'I want to swing!'
I said 'This swing is for grammys house.'
She said 'I want to go to grammys house!'
So she has asked for the last two days to swing
and today my mom got the swing up.
She was in it for at least a half hour and did
not want to get out!
She then drove her car for about 5 minutes and then
was back in the swing. lol
The swing is for 9-48 months, so Reagan can use it
soon and Maddison will still be able to use
it for quite some time.

Cold again??

I had packed all of the girls warm clothes up because
I thought the cold weather had passed...
But I was pleasantly surprised when a few cold
days came around again.
So I had to unpack some warm clothes and the girls
were just too cute not to take pictures. :)

Maddison being a goofball as usual...

Reagan smiling away as usual...
(I swear she smiles WAY more than Maddie used to)

Reagans first real bath!

A few days ago I put Reagan in the tub with Maddison.
Reagan was a little unsure at first, but then
really liked it and was kicking her feet non-stop.
Maddison thought it was the greatest thing ever.
She wanted to do everything for her.
She got water in Reagans eye a few times and
Reagan didn't even cry. She's such a good baby!


Every time I put Reagan down for tummy time
Maddison wants to lay down with her.
She puts her arm around Reagan
and talks to her. It's so cute!

No don't take my picture!

Reagan actually fell asleep like this!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Maddie wants to shop!

This evening Maddison came out of her room with her flip flops on, her baby under her arm and a purse with her play lipstick and keys in it. This conversation followed-

Maddie: I want to go buh-bye
Me: Well where do you want to go?
Maddie: Ummmmm...I want to go shopping!
Me: We can't go shopping right now, momma doesn't have any money.
Maddie: Hold on! I'll go get my money! (as she runs to her room to get her piggy bank)
-she comes back in the kitchen
Me: Baby, you don't have enough money to buy anything.
Maddie: ok then I wanna go to Grandmas house.
Me: You want to go to Grandmas house?
Maddie: Yeah, I want to drive my car.

The conversations we have are so funny!

On a related note, yesterday she was talking to Matt about her change in her Hello Kitty piggy bank (she is always carrying it around). Matt asked her what she was going to buy with her money and she said she wanted to buy candy for Mommy and Daddy!
She can be such a little sweetheart!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


It seems as though Reagan has begun
the teething process.
A week or two ago she started
drooling like crazy and chewing
on stuff she can get to her mouth.
I got out the teethers and she tried
REALLY hard to hold it herself.
It was too heavy though and
she couldn't hold it up to her mouth.

tag blanket

My friend Lindsay made Reagan
a tag blanket and she loves it.
She tries so hard to grab it and
stares at it so long her eyes
go crossed. LOL

smiling little baby :)

Reagan is such a smiley baby.
It is the cutest little smile and I
just can't get enough of it!

Her little cheeks are so chubby
when she smiles really big they
make her eyes close! haha

she was blowing bubbles and
made this face, it looks like
she has a pouty lip.

Easter 2010

For Easter we went out to my aunt and uncles
house for brunch and so Maddison could hunt
Easter eggs in their HUGE yard.
We took her car out there again and she
drove from tree to tree to get her eggs.
It was really funny!

I stopped her in the middle of the egg
hunt to take this picture and she wanted
me to hurry up!

An action shot...

The girls with great Grandma Sylvia

johnny jumper

When I was painting the bathroom I put Reagan
in the johnny jumper thing, she loved it.
She doesn't jump yet but she likes to sit in it.

I guess I took too long... LOL

(sorry the pics are so small, they are from my phone)

grocery shopping

Reagan sits up in the shopping cart now too.
She falls over if I turn too fast, but other than that
she does really well. It's a lot easier than toting
her around in the baby backpack thing that I used
to use when we went grocery shopping.

I had to unbutton her jeans because they seemed
too tight on her fat little belly! haha

Saturday, April 17, 2010

first time in the stroller

I decided to put Reagan in the
actual stroller seat instead of in
her car seat like I have up to now.
She does pretty well and she
really likes to look around
at everything.
She does fall over when she
falls asleep though. lol


I have a lot of fake tattoos from a trip to
Peter Piper Pizza so I have been using
them as rewards for Maddison.
She loves them!
She is saying 'cool dude' in this pic

riding her bike

Maddison has been riding her bike a lot lately.
She can actually go UP the driveway now.

I finally got our lawn mower fixed and have
been out doing yard work and she likes
to ride her bike while I do that.


The Coyotes are in the playoffs!!!
Matt went to game 2 and will be
going to game 5 and Maddison
has been showing her support :)

...she also has a cute girly pink
jersey I will have to get a picture
of her wearing.

It's been awhile!!!

I have been so busy giving the house a mini face lift I haven't had any time to blog! I also kept forgetting to get batteries for my camera and it is so hard to get pictures off of my phone that I also didn't want to take the time to do that. I now have batteries and the housework is winding down (hopefully, I always seem to find something new to do when I finish something else!) so I should be back on track for regular posts!