Wednesday, September 30, 2009

cuteness, teeth and talking up a storm

I had to share this picture. It was taken with my phone so it isn't
the best quality, but it is so cute I had to post it.
She loves her 'kitty kitty'.

I was unaware that children get more teeth at about 2?
Maddison developed a fever without any other symptoms
and didn't seem to be sick at all. I was kind of confused.
Sarah said maybe she is getting more teeth, I looked and sure
enough she is getting the very back molars! OUCH!
She ate light for maybe 2 days but wasn't really phased by it.
I can't believe it, it looks like it really hurts!

I can't believe how grown up she is now. The weirdest thing
is talking with her now. She has been a baby for so long and now
she can talk to me and it is just so weird.
I can't believe how fast the talking has progressed.
Last month she had a vocabulary of probably about 100-150
words. Now I can't even count how many she knows because
she will say almost anything I ask her to say
and she somehow remembers them.
Last week she said a 5 word sentence,
I can't for the life of me remember what it was,
but I remember Sarah counting the words.
I just can't believe it. I feel like I am going to wake up tomorrow
and she is going to be in kindergarden.
She is growing up so fast.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We had Maddison's Hello Kitty birthday party on Saturday.
She had a blast! I took a million pictures but I narrowed
it down to a select few for the blog.

mommy and daddy
I am 6 months pregnant now.

Maddie and grammy Jane

Maddie and aunt Katie.
Maddison is thinking
'how did you get a cupcake already!?!?'

Maddie showing her cousins her animal train.

Aunt Katie and Aunt Sarah

Maddie, Jordyn and Camryn
She LOVES playing with her cousins.
I am really glad she gets to see them
about once a week.

Giving Jordyn a hug.
She was hugging them constantly.

Camryn hugging her back.

Kisses from grammy Chris.


animal tractor

bubble blower

Disney princess' ipod

HUGE box of books!

Giving her new Yorkie puppy a kiss.

Hugging Jordyn again.
I think Jordyn was getting sick of all the hugs. LOL.


she was so excited she wouldn't look up from
it to even take a picture!
Camryn driving Maddie.
She was yelling the whole time. lol

Maddie driving Jordyn around.
They were both laughing hysterically.


Blowing out the candle.
She did it al by herself once daddy held her up close enough to it.

I am pretty proud of myself for this cake!

Maddie and her cake.
She waited so patiently since Friday night to finally eat the cake.
When she woke up on Saturday morning Matt and I said
'happy birthday' and she said 'I WANT CAKE!'

Very serious about eating her cake. lol
She was so excited about her cake she didn't
even notice the new Hello Kitty plate I bought
her to eat it on.

I asked her if she liked the cake,
she said yes and gave me kisses :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I got this shirt for Maddison because my dad
loves AC/DC and i knew he would get a kick out of it.
So I wanted to take a picture of her in it so
he could have it.
The pictures were just too cute not to share with everyone.
I can't believe my baby is 2 today!!!!

I tell her to show me her teeth when I am
taking a picture and she usually smiles,
in this one she decided to actually point to her teeth.

Her modeling pose. LOL
She was just being goofy and didn't want to stand still.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

home sweet home

Maddie and I flew home yesterday. It was a long evening of traveling but everything went fairly well. We had SO MUCH FUN with Lindsey, Paul and Payson! Thank you guys so much for having us!!!! Hopefully we can make it back sometime. Oh the crazyness, we will have 4 kids total in the next year!

A new Hello Kitty!

Tuesday we went to the mall and Lindsey had Maddie
make a new Hello Kitty at build a bear for her birthday.
She absolutely loved it!

Handing the lady the heart to put inside kitty.

pushing the pedal to add the stuffing.

giving kitty a bath after she was stuffed.
(you can also see my growing belly in this picture. LOL)

she was so excited after she was done.

she pushed kitty around in the stroller just like
mommy and Lindsey were.
Everyone that walked past us in the mall said she was
the cutest thing ever, pushing her stroller very seriously.

The Smithsonian

Monday Lindsey, Payson, Maddison and I went into D.C. again.
We met Paul for lunch in the Reagan building, which was cool.
Then we headed across the street to
the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum.
It was a very cool museum!

Maddie and I with the Washington monument in the background.

Maddie and I on the steps of the Reagan building.

The Smithsonian had all sorts of cool bones that were found in VA.
Naturally, this was my favorite part of the museum.

The HUGE hope diamond.
The stupid flash messed up the picture and there were
so many people crowding around I couldn't get another.

Maddison's favorite part was all of the animals.

It was a long day for her.
She fell asleep right after and then slept the whole metro ride home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A new Wendorff is on the way! woohoo!

Apparently I am a fertility lucky charm!
Last year when I was visiting Lindsey and Paul in Florida
they finally got pregnant after trying for awhile.
AND NOW I am her visiting again and Lindsey found out
I am so excited for them, they make very cute babies!
Also, our babies this time will be closer than Maddison
and Payson are which will be cool.
Payson is only 3 months old, so they will have Irish twins!
LOL. They will have their hands full!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Grandparents Day!

Today is Grandparents day.
Maddie wore her new 'My Grandpa Rules!' shirt.
The picture was taken outside Lindsey's front door,
isn't it beautiful!!! I love it here.

D.C. National Zoo

Friday we took the metro into D.C. and went to the Zoo!
It was such a nice zoo, so green and pretty.

Maddie and I riding the Metro.

At the panda exibit.
I was SO EXCITED to see the panda's!

The mama gorilla and her baby nursing.
We got up so close, right to the window!

In the elephant house.
Again, we got up so close!

not too sure what the seals are doing? lol
She was so tired she fell asleep on the
walk back to the metro and slept through
almost all of the metro ride.