Monday, May 31, 2010

pretty new dress and shoes

Sarah got a super sweet new DSLR camera
(I think it's called a Cannon T1i???)
So we have been taking a ton of cute pictures
of the girls, I will have quite a few posts from just
the last week or so.

just today, so we took these pics cause we
wanted to get her sitting!
I can't believe it, yesterday she could balance
for maybe a few seconds and today she
can probably sit for 20 seconds
before she starts to lose her balance.
She is growing up too fast!!!

This is her grumpy face lol
She has discovered she can take her bows off!

This is when she leans forward, and kind of rests, and then
she sits back up straight. It is so funny.
She also discovered she has feet when she takes these
forward rests. It's so cute.
As you can see she likes sucking on her bottom lip,
she does this a lot!

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