The second week in July we went cabin camping
with my parents up in Christopher Creek.
It was so beautiful and the weather was amazing!
I had refrained from telling Maddison that we were
going and then 3 weeks before my mom accidentally
told her, everyday until we left I was asked
"Are we going camping today!?!?" LOL
The cabin we stayed in.
My parents cabin was right next to ours. |
Christopher Creek that was right behind the cabins. |
The cabins had a playground with swings, see saw and
a play house. |
It was our first roadtrip in our pretty new car :) |
My mom took Maddie in the creek a few times.
Reagan hated it...because there was water.
Unless it's a bath she wants NOTHING
to do with water. |
Maddison was so excited to fish.
We bought her a princess fishing pole...
but it broke before she even got to use it. |
Fishing with Grammy |
One of the days we took a drive up to the fish hatchery.
They allowed you to feed the fish that were about ready to
be released. This is Reagan demanding more
of the food to feed the fish. |
Maddison didn't catch anything fishing at the lake so we
found this "catch a trout" spot that you are almost guarunteed
to catch a fish. |
I would like to put in in writting that I caught THREE fish and
Matt caught ONE. LOL I also caught the biggest one!
Reagan was a little concerned about the fish, but Maddison
was so excited. |
Maddison wanted to hold the fish and after a few
failed attempts Matt held it for her and she pet it.
I dont think Maddison quite understood the concept
of fishing. I think she thought you fished to catch them
for pets. She did NOT want to eat them.
Later when I asked why she didn't want to try the fish
she teared up and said "I don't want to eat them because
I love the fish". I felt so bad :(
I better not tell her where chicken/beef/turkey comes from!
We had such a good time up there.
I think we might try and go back next summer.
Every few days Maddison askes me if we're going camping again.
Maybe when they're a little older we will try REAL camping.