Friday, July 30, 2010
swinging in the sprinkles
windy duck feeding
Tuesday evening we went to feed the ducks because
it was windy and so it wasn't as warm.
The plan kind of backfired because apparently
ducks don't like to eat in the wind.
So we fed the birds. haha
it was windy and so it wasn't as warm.
The plan kind of backfired because apparently
ducks don't like to eat in the wind.
So we fed the birds. haha
and what those things in the water were.
She sat the whole time with her arms like this,
like she was ready to jump out and play at any second.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Maddies mad face
"working out"
Playdate with Alexis
Monday, July 26, 2010
A couple months ago I took the old dishwasher out of its spot in the cabinets because it didn't work and I wanted to put the trash can there until we got a new one. Last weekend we finally got a new dishwasher. This conversation followed:
Maddison walks into the kitchen while I was cleaning.
Maddie: Now you have all of them mom.
Me: What?
Maddie: You have all of them.
Me: All of what?
Maddie: You have all the ovens.
(me laughing)
Me: This new one is a dishwasher, not an oven babe. We only have one oven.
(I then named all the appliances for her)
Maddie: Oh. It's pretty dishwasher.
Maddison walks into the kitchen while I was cleaning.
Maddie: Now you have all of them mom.
Me: What?
Maddie: You have all of them.
Me: All of what?
Maddie: You have all the ovens.
(me laughing)
Me: This new one is a dishwasher, not an oven babe. We only have one oven.
(I then named all the appliances for her)
Maddie: Oh. It's pretty dishwasher.
Maddison layed all the pillows from the couch out perfectly on the ground. I swear she is going to be a professional organizer because she LOVES to organize and reorganize everything. She is running around on the pillows and falling on purpose because it doesn't hurt. Then she spins until she falls. Then she runs over and takes a huge drink of water, breathing heavy the whole time. It's quite entertaining.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Maddie loves piggy banks. She brought them all out for me and Reagan to see. The piggy one came on the mail yesterday. It was an offer from kellogs, a promotion for the new toy story movie. It was completely free, didn't even have to pay for shipping! It's the only one she can get the bottom off of, she likes to take her money out, then put it back in and then repeat. Lol every time she sees change she says "oh is that mine!?" And when you say yes she runs and puts it in her piggy bank. She probably has like $10 saved up, were going to have to take her to buy something soon.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Maddison was given this cute little kitchen and she absolutely loves it. She uses it to cook her fake plastic food and then brings it out for Matt and me to eat. We pretend to eat it, say thank you that was good then Maddie grabs the plates and says I'll get you some more as she sprints back in her room. It is just so funny!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
splash pad
We have taken the girls to the splash pad a few times.
I like it more than swimming because I don't have
to worry about holding on to two kids.
I made the mistake of going to the splash pad by
myself the first time and I just couldn't keep my
eye on Maddison, the stroller and let Reagan
play so only Maddison did.
The next time we went on Matts day off and he
helped Reagan play. She loves the water!
She makes this face and holds her breath until
the water is gone and then is totally happy again!
Maddison still to this day hates water on her face,
but Reagan doesn't mind at all.
Even in the tub, when I rinse shampoo I just
pour water over her head, she doesn't mind!
paint fun
Sarah helped me make some footprints for
fathers day. Reagan was too cute!
She was a little confused about what we were
doing but Maddie thought it was really fun.
I told Maddie multiple times we can't tell daddy
about this, it's a surprise for later.
Matt came home from work and the first
thing she said was "we painted today!"
haha, he didn't figure out what we were painting
though so the footprints were still a surprise.
gun fights!
When I was at the store I saw water guns for $1
so I got some for Maddison to shoot Matt with
when he walked in the door from work. LOL
It didn't work, he walked in the door and she
said "look what mom got me!"
Later they had a gun fight and it was HILARIOUS!!!
Matt would spray her non-stop and Maddison
aimed and him and squirted but never actually
got him...but she always thought she did.
So they were running around the house hiding and
squirting each other and Maddison is laughing
hysterically the whole time.
After there was water running down all the walls so
I made a new no squirt guns in the house rule :)
Anyways, this is what Maddie looks like after
a water gun fight. A wet cat! lol

So I was sitting on the ground with Maddison
and I noticed her ear lobe was red around her
cute little turtle earrings. First thought was that the
earring was bothering her ear, but she had wore them
before and for an extended period of time.
She hadn't mentioned anything about her ear hurting
so I didn't think it was that bad.
I told her that I had to take her earring out or her
ear would fall off. Her ear hurt really bad and she really
didn't want me to touch it. After a lot of talking I finally
convinced her to let me take it out.
I was terrified when THIS is what I saw...
After seeing this I though to myself that her ear
REALLY IS going to fall off! I panicked and had my mom
come over to look at it. It was a Saturday so we took her
to Urgent Care. The Dr. put her on antibiotics but he didn't
seemed too concerned with it, which helped me calm down a little.
I had put the little plastic backs on her earring because they
kept coming off. I guess she squeezed it really tight and pinched
the ear so much it did this. I thought for sure her ear would close
up and we would have to get it pierced again sometime,
but it didn't.
It's all healed up and she now is only wearing the piercing earrings
that lock and can't be squeezed too tight!
my big sleepy girl.
So I got Maddison ready for naptime and then got sidetracked.
After a few minutes I wondered where she was and
what she was doing. I walk down the hallway and
see this on our bed! Apparently, she just couldn't wait for
me to put her in her crib. It was so cute.
I just let her sleep there.
I'm still not sure if she was using the remote
before she fell asleep. haha!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
shoe shopping!
I haven't blogged in SO LONG!
I am going to try and catch up a little bit.
Sarah and I went shopping and we hit the
shoe jackpot for Maddison!
We both loved these converse shoes but they were
a little expensive so we decided we would split them. LOL
I told Maddison that I bought the left one and
Sarah bought the right one and then just for
a laugh we asked her which she she liked better.
Her response..."all of them!"
Now when you ask her about anything if she likes
one or the other better she always says all of them.
Then I found these and they were the cutest little
flip flops I had ever seen so I had to get them!
flip flops I had ever seen so I had to get them!
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