Monday, May 31, 2010

first photo shoot with Sarah's new camera

These are the pictures from the first photo shoot with
Sarah's new camera.
We couldn't get the girls to cooperate!
It was probably a little less than 2 weeks ago.

Drool monster

Maddison's I don't want to take pictures face

Look at all the slobber on her shirt!!!

Maddison looking at Reagan,
Reagan looking at the cat on Maddie's shirt!

I want to bite her cute little cheeks!!

more pictures from tonight

These are more pictures from tonight of Reagan.
She is so chubby and squishy I LOVE IT!

She is yelling in this pic! lol
-and playing with her feet

Another forward rest


This is her excited/surprised face
Nice drool, huh?
She is constantly COVERED in slobber!

This is what she looks like when she gets
REALLY excited, I can't even describe
the cute little yelp she does.
It is so funny!

pretty new dress and shoes

Sarah got a super sweet new DSLR camera
(I think it's called a Cannon T1i???)
So we have been taking a ton of cute pictures
of the girls, I will have quite a few posts from just
the last week or so.

just today, so we took these pics cause we
wanted to get her sitting!
I can't believe it, yesterday she could balance
for maybe a few seconds and today she
can probably sit for 20 seconds
before she starts to lose her balance.
She is growing up too fast!!!

This is her grumpy face lol
She has discovered she can take her bows off!

This is when she leans forward, and kind of rests, and then
she sits back up straight. It is so funny.
She also discovered she has feet when she takes these
forward rests. It's so cute.
As you can see she likes sucking on her bottom lip,
she does this a lot!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

sleep over!

On Saturday night Maddie went to Matt's parents
house to have a sleep over with her cousins!
She was so excited!
I'm sure his parents had their hands full!
She didn't want to leave when I went to pick her up. lol

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


On Friday we went to the zoo, as
I don't usually take pictures of the animals, but there
are baby zebras and they were just too cute,
I had to take one :)

My silly girl in her hat and glasses
(you can see Reagan passed out in the background)

I finally got a decent picture of the cute little
monkeys! They move so fast I haven't ever
been able to get one.
I love these little guys, this is my
favorite part of the zoo!
I have seen kids playing with this cow before,
but I didn't know water came out when you
"milked" the cow. Matt discovered this.
Maddie played at the water pad as usual.
This and the carousel are her favorite.
We let her play for probably almost 30 min.
We talked to a nice couple that had kids almost
the same age as Maddie AND Reagan.
Their 3 month old boy was almost as big
as Reagan and he obviously is a month younger.
LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one who
has a gigantic baby!

The water streams spray randomly and it
is so funny when one gets her in the face!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

easier than expected!

Maddison has been going #2 on the potty
for probably almost a year now, she never
had a problem picking that up.
She ALWAYS tells me, I guess that one has
more warning than #1?
She has been going #1 on the potty off and on for
awhile, she doesn't mind doing it at all, it just
seemed that she always forgot about it and had an
accident. So I hadn't tried in a month or two.
I decided last week that it is REALLY time to
get this done. Somehow this time it just
clicked for her I think. I put "big girl panties"
on her 5 days ago and she has only had a diaper to sleep
and she hasn't had one accident since we started!!!
I can't believe it! We even left the house for 2
short trips and she didn't wear a diaper for them.
I am so proud of her!

She is such a goof ball!
She takes my headbands and puts them on
her head like this. lol

trip to the warm zoo!

Thursday we went to the zoo. We went a little
earlier than usual so we got to stay for longer.
It didn't get too hot before we left.
It was nice that we went to almost all of the zoo.

This baboon looks so angry!
It took a lot of convincing to get Maddison that
close to it so we could take a picture.

She loves "driving" anything she can!
She did not want to get off this thing, and
when we walked by it again she wanted to
drive some more! haha
Maybe I could get her a little tractor that
mows the yard and then let her drive in the
yards as much as she wants!!!

We were the only ones in the goat petting zoo.
She got to run around like a maniac petting all of the goats.
I followed behind and told her all of the names
(their names are on their collar)
This one was her favorite, his name is

Rice cereal

At Reagan's Dr.'s appointment she told me I
should start giving her rice cereal and then
introduce baby food.
So on Monday I gave her some rice cereal on a spoon.
She was NOT a fan of this.
She spit it all out.
So I decided to start adding it to some of her bottles.
Especially the night time bottles.
She was doing so good sleeping at least 8-9 hours,
and then within the last week she was only sleeping
about 5-6 hours. Well it had to have been because
she was getting hungry! I added the rice cereal to
her last bottle of the night and she slept 10.5 hours last night!
Thank goodness!

This happened every time! haha

big little baby

On Friday we took Reagan for her 4 month check up.
She weighs 15lbs 9oz! (75th-90th%)
She is 25.8 inches tall (90-95%)
Head circumference 16.8 inches (90%)
So basically she is a gigantic baby! lol
I was surprised her weight was the lowest in %
She is a pound heavier and an inch taller
than Maddison was at 4 months.
She is going to be a linebacker! haha

(she is talking her baby giberish to me in this pic)


On Sunday we went over to Sarah and Brooks' house to
swim and BBQ. It was the first time we have gone
swimming this summer and I think it was a little too early.
Maddison didn't want to do anything but float on the raft
because she was too cold lol. Even though she was freezing
and didn't want to do anything she still didn't want to get out.

Reagan did not like the water at first (because it was too
cold I think) so she cried when I first tried to put her
in, but then Sarah slowly eased her in little by little
and she didn't seem to mind too much.
I think she will like the water when it gets warmer
because she LOVES the bathtub.

flying fun

It's hard to tell from these pictures, but Matt is holding Reagan
up over his head. She absolutely loves this, she laughs every time.
She also laughs when you put her on your lap and gently
bounce her a little. She is going to be just like Maddie, I call them
roller coaster kids. Maddison loves being tossed, held upside
down, swung or anything like that. She is going to be one of
those kids that just loves roller coasters.

bow project

I used to clip bows on ribbon hanging on the wall.
We have too many bows to do that anymore so
I decided to make these message board things
to hang the bows on. They turned out pretty good
considering I just guessed how to do it!
Now I need to gather all the bows that are randomly
placed all over the house and get them on here.
I have a feeling we are going to run out of room and
I am going to have to make another one!

Mother's Day

On Mother's day in the morning we went out
to visit my grandma with my parents.
She loves seeing the girls.
(her hair is a little out of control)

After we visited her we went out to eat with
my other grandma. Maddison had fun
seeing both great grandma's in one day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I can blog from my phone now! But for some reason it wont let me send pictures? I'm working on will make it a lot easier to blog!

funny and more binky

Since before Maddison was one year old she was only allowed to have a pacifier in bed. I should have taken the binky away a long time ago, but I just never wanted to. I knew it would not go well. Now she is at the age where she totally understands what you are saying to her and in my opinion way too old for a binky anymore. So Matt and I decided that today would be the day that we would break her of the binky habit.

After she woke up today Matt grabbed the binky and put it away without her seeing. When nap time rolled around she had just gotten in trouble and was upset. When I told her it was nap time she got even more upset. I thought to myself 'great, this is never going to work' because she is already upset and she needs to be in a reasonable state of mind when I talk to her about this and she is a typical, unreasonable two year old when she gets upset. Against my better judgment I put her in bed without her binky anyways.

She of course cried and did not want to lay down for her nap. I told her it was nap time and left her room. She cried for a couple of minutes and then started saying "mom I need my binky, momma where is my binky, I want my binky" over and over again. I was feeling bad because I knew it was even harder to not have a binky because of being in trouble before, so I caved...I walked in her room, handed her the binky and said "it's time to go to bed now." She did with no more protest. After nap time I had Matt distract her and I took her binky out of her crib again.

With the dreaded time approaching I began thinking of my game plan for this time. I told her it was bed time and she went with very little protest as usual. She laided down with her baby, cup of water and blanket as usual and then I saw the light go off in her head... "Where's my binky?" she says. Crap! I guess I was hoping she wouldn't even notice...haha wishful thinking.

I began moving her blanket and baby around acting as though I were looking for the binky. I said "I don't know where your binky is baby." No joke, she looked straight at me and said "you took it away." I couldn't believe it, I totally screwed myself by giving it to her for nap time because now she realized I had taken it away then.

"I didn't take it away honey, I don't know where it is"
"Need to look for it, I need my binky"
"I just looked for it and I didn't see it"
"look more"
"I can't look more right now, it's dark outside and I can't see anything, we'll have to look in the morning"
"my binky is outside?"
"I don't think it is outside but we can look in the morning"
"binky isn't outside, it's inside"
"oh, ok. Well it's dark inside too, so we can look in the morning when it's light"
"I threw my binky, it's under all my toys, you look"
"I can't see in all of your toys right now because it's dark, we can look in the morning"

Knowing no matter what I said she would have another option for me to try I decided it was time for Matt to try. He walks in and then I step right out into the hall so I can hear but not be seen by Maddison. Matt asks her what is the matter, as if he didn't know. haha. At this point it is getting hard not to start laughing. She wont really answer him, she doesn't want to tell him for some reason.

Matt says "ok well I love you, I'll see you in the morning, goodnight."
"I can't find my binky!"
"oh. Well I'll look for it," he says as he pretends to look through her crib just as I had done.
At this point I can tell he is amused, but still playing along.
"I don't see it babe, we can look for it in the morning"
In the saddest little disappointed voice Maddie says,
"yeah... that's what mom said..."
I could tell Matt wanted to laugh, but he held it together. He says,
"Well if we can't find it tomorrow, daddy will take you to the store and buy you a new one"
"oh, I can go with you"
"yeah you can go with me to the store"
"oh ok"
"ok be a big girl and go nite nite. I love you"
"love you"

Matt closed her door and we both started laughing as quietly as we could. 30 minutes later I opened the door to see if she was sleeping. She heard the door open and turned over to see me.
"hi baby"
"Are you gonna go nite nite?"
"yeah, daddy says I'm a good girl"
"you are a good girl, now go to bed ok, love you"
"k love you, nite"

Surprisingly, there was no crying from her at all though. She went to sleep fine without it. I asked Matt what he was going to do tomorrow when she wants to go to the store and get a new one. He said I'm not sure, change the subject? I suggested we go to the store and skip the binky isle and go to the toy isle and tell her they don't have any binky's but they have big girl toys and she can have one of those instead of her binky.

I think it will work, if she gets through tonight no problem we should be in the clear! Although, we will have to do some good "looking for binky" inside AND outside tomorrow just to make her believe it is really lost. LOL

This morning Matt was asking Maddison if she wanted to go get a new binky, the first few times she would say yes and then Matt would say "no you don't, babies use binkys, you're a big girl, you don't want a binky." After a few times it worked and now if you ask her if she wants a binky she says "no, I'm a big girl!" She took a nap, no problem, without her binky. If I had known it was going to be this easy I would have done it a long time ago!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

my little masseuse

Maddison LOVES giving massages!
She gave Matt one the other day for
probably 20 minutes.
She rubbed his back, arms and hands.
It was so cute.
I think she likes to do it because she gets
to use the lotion and I usually don't
let her play with the lotion.


Yesterday at Peter Piper Pizza Matt got Maddie
a warhead sour candy with some of her tickets.
She made a horrible face and started grabbing the
back of her head and she almost finished
sucking all the sour off the outside before she
spit it out. It was so funny! Matt got the rest of the
sour off and she ate it.

scrub a dub dub

They are just too darn cute in the tub together,
I can't stop taking pictures!