Monday, March 29, 2010


Reagan has started reaching out and grabbing
the toys on the exersaucer. It is so funny
because she doesn't have very good control
of her hands yet, so she reaches out and
sometimes she gets it and sometimes
she doesn't.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Beads of Courage fundraiser

Today we went down to the Mesa Arts Center
to go to the Beads of Courage fundraiser.
Beads of Courage is an organization that gives
beads to children with cancer and other serious
illness. The kids get a bead for every procedure
they have. Some kids have necklaces that are
like 6 feet long, they just keep wrapping it around
their neck. Anyways, my mom is apart of the bead
society that donates beads and was involved in
the fundraiser today.
They had tables set up and you could pay and make
a bracelet, necklace, key chain, etc.

You can check out their website:

Maddison making her key chain.

Making her necklace.

Showing off her necklace and key chain.

LOL so funny

Fun at the zoo with the cousins

On St. Patrick's day we went to the zoo
with Jordyn and Camryn.
Maddison had 10 times more fun with them there.

Maddison ran around like a crazy person
petting ALL of the goats. lol

Jordyn and Cammie petting the goats too.
So cute in their matching green shirts.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reagan's 2 month Dr. apt

My little baby was 2 months old on Sunday!
She is getting so big.

We went to the Dr. today for her 2 month
appointment and she got her ears pierced!!

She weighed in at 12lbs 10oz!
She is at about the 70% for weight
height and head circumference.

sitting around

Every time I put Reagan down on a blanket for
tummy time Maddison wants to 'hold her'.
Reagan can sit up from about a 45 degree angle,
so she is sitting up and away from Maddie.
I have to stay close because the
second she sits up she falls over.


Maddison loves giving Reagan a bath!

xbox fun

Maddison and Reagan both like to watch when
Matt plays hockey on the xbox.
Reagan is in the exersaucer and her little
feet just barely touch the bottom.
Maddison is in her favorite outfit...
a diaper and flip flops. haha

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Maddison is getting really good at riding her bike.
She can go forwards and backwards. lol
She loves riding it!
*In the picture she is wearing the cute little
necklace I just made her. They are awesome
animal beads that I got down at the Tucson
bead show. So cute!*
The sun is in her eyes but she's still
trying to smile for the picture. haha

Looking around

Reagan loves to sit in the exersaucer because
she can look all around and I'm sure she gets
sick of either laying or being held.
It's something new and exciting.
She will actually sit in it and watch
cartoons with Maddison.
It's so cute to see them both just
staring at the TV.
Maddie likes it when she sits in here too
because she can sit on the floor in front
of her and talk to her. lol


Maddison has been on a trampoline before
but she was too little to jump, she kind of
just ran around.
Last weekend at Sarah's I told her the
trampoline was to jump on and she was excited.
She got on, jumped and liked it, but then jumped
too high and scared herself.
So Brooklyn got on with her and she loved it.

super sweet nails!

I don't usually blog too much about myself
personally, because I want this to be a blog
about the kiddos...BUT
These nails were just way too cool
not to share!
A few weeks ago we noticed our server at
Applebee's had argyle nails so we asked her
where she got them done and I just
had to go get it done!
Here they are!
Worth every bit of the $15!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

double smile!!

This is my new favorite picture!!!
No kidding, Maddison sat on the couch,
I sat Reagan down next to her, stepped
back and said smile Reagan
and this was the FIRST picture I took.
I couldn't believe it!

So darn cute!

She has developed quite the personality.
She will 'squak' like a bird when she wants
to talk to you, it is so funny. She is smiling
all the time and has become very observant.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

growing like a weed

I can't believe how much Reagan is doing already. It seems like she is doing stuff so much earlier than Maddison did them.
She is 7 weeks already!

-She had a strong neck from the very beginning,
but she can hold her head up really good now.
I'd say she can hold it between 45 and 90 degrees
when she is on her tummy. She can hold her head
straight when you pull her up from laying to sitting
by her arms. She's a strong little thing. lol

-4.5 weeks she could support her weight on her legs when we
hold her up. She stands for 30 seconds or so, then her legs get
tired and she squats down to rest and then
she pops back up. Its so funny.

-5 weeks she started actually smiling.
She smiles all the time, especially when we tell her she is a
pretty girl or make a farting noise with our mouth.

-5.5 weeks she started saying 'ah-goo' in the cutest little baby
voice. When we talk to her she says it back as if she were trying
to talk to us. She has to think so hard to get it out, but it is
adorable when she does!

-sometimes she will eat up to 5.5 ounces of formula!
That's as much as they say an 'average' 3-4 month old should eat.
(apparently 7lbs at birth is considered average)
It's great though, the more she eats the longer she sleeps!
She has slept over 5 hours a few nights now,
last night it was almost 6 hours!

-she sits in the ExerSaucer now.
She can't touch the bottom, so her little feet just dangle,
but she loves to be able to sit up and watch everything around her.
I can't wait until her head is 100% stable so I can put her in the
jumperoo and the Johnny jumper thing we got.
She will love them!

I am loving every new thing she can do. I can't wait until she is big enough to actually play with Maddison! I told Maddison that when Reagan is learning to walk she can hold her hand to help.
Maddison said 'I'll hold her hand to help walk and I wont let her fall'. How cute is that!

She is such a great big sister. Her main job is binky patrol. When Reagan cries Maddison comes running to pop the binky in her mouth! I let Maddison change her diaper and she did a pretty good job. She can actually get both of Reagan's feet in her one hand to lift her butt up and slide the diaper under. Her only problem is diaper placement, the diaper ends up sideways and loose. lol It is so cute to watch though, Maddison is so proud of herself when she's done.
I have heard of the first kid getting jealous and angry over a new baby, even being mean to the baby, I am so glad Maddison isn't like that. She loves Reagan and would do everything for her if I would let her.

I am blessed :)

potty time mischief...

Matt took Maddison in to go potty and then came back
out and sat on the couch. I commented after about
a minute that she was being quiet, because usually
she talks most of the time she is on the potty.
Matt goes into check on her and comes out trying so
hard to hold back from laughing.
I asked him what she had done.
He laughs a little and says that I have to go see
for myself and that this one was 'all my fault'
(because the hair gel thing was his fault lol)
I'm thinking in my head that it is going to be
something horrible and the bathroom is going
to be torn to shreds or something.
I walk in and she has an 'uh-oh is mom
going to laugh or be mad at me' look on her face.

And this is what she looked like...

I had to laugh.
She always watches me put it on and
I guess she just had to try it out.

Surprisingly she did get some on her lashes
and she didn't even use a mirror.
Oh how I wish I could have seen the
application process...that would have been funny.

I wont be leaving my mascara on the counter anymore...

The zoo with Cammie

Tuesday Matt took both girls and cousin Camryn to the zoo...
He said everyone kept commenting
"you sure do have your hands full!"
They thought all 3 were his.
They had fun.
(the monkey does NOT look happy in this picture)

play date with a boy!

Last week Matt had his friend bring over his little boy
so he and Maddison could play.
She is about a year older than him and she was
so excited to finally play with someone younger than
her because she usually plays with kids that are older
and boss her around. She finally got to be the boss. lol

She showed him her toys...

helped him up when he fell down...
(even though it was her that accidentally knocked him down lol)

supervised him when he went under her crib
to retrieve a toy...

helping him up again...
(as she is saying 'get up')

big purple jacket

My aunt got Maddison this jacket a couple of Christmas' ago
and she is finally big enough to wear it.
She loves the jacket and it's so cute!

this is the face I got when I asked her to smile...