Pull ups have velcro like closures on each side so you can
tear them off if you want. Well sometimes it scratches her.
This morning she pulls them down a little and says
'I have a cratch mommy'
I said 'you have what?'
She says 'A cratch'
I couldn't stop laughing, it just sounds so funny.
So all day I have been asking her what it was just
to hear her say it. One time she messed up and said
'a crotch' LOL

Her lips are green because:
Today she went and got blood drawn.
When they are two her doctor likes to check for lead and
also make she is getting enough iron and stuff.
I was thinking this was going to be a horrible experience
because what two year old would understand this.
She sat on Matt's lap and looked very concerned.
She started crying when the put the needle in,
but by the time the 1st of two vials were full she
stopped crying!!!!!
I couldn't believe it.
So she got a ring pop!
She ate the whole thing and now I can't get the green off. lol
Reagan also had to get her heel pricked and squeezed for a
newborn screening. She didn't even wake up!
My kids are awesome!